OPUS Operandi: Spitting out words in All the Wrong Order

OPUS Operandi:  Spitting out words in All the Wrong Orderby Lee J. Keller

It has been some time since an entry really capitalizing upon the creative process. The problem is intelligibility and difficulties with "word salad". No wonder I have the illusionist perspective, one thinks they have written something intelligible, only to discover it is so 'special' to be totally incomprehensible to the rest of the human community. Alas, it is that community, that rejection slips fly out from like verdicts of one's impending demise as a writer! Now is it all that bad? Grind for the mill? Certainly. One must never give up.

Writers tell stories with words, to do that, we have to tie things together-- like building paragraphs, building sentences, building words; spitting words out. My words sound like "word salad" sometimes--and sometimes I spit while I am munching. The order is wrong. The ideas are wrong, and wait! That isn't what I meant. Well, who's fault is that? One answer--you guessed it; mine!

Yes, I am a native English speaker. But writing is a much harder process on many fronts than what is believed thanks to the glamorization of the process by all the available "helps", coaching, and workshops. It is a thankless task and when you are getting it going it is as seemingly unattainable as any artistic dream. But as I said early on, perseverance is utmost. One must not give up!

This week I received some wonderful REAL help from a fellow writer who was "paying it forward". She took the time to show me some of the reasons why I am getting those rejection slips. She took the time to edit some of my writing and totally impressed me. No one had ever done this for me before. I wanted to thank her very much, and I did, and I do. Most of all, any future readers I have, are gonna be a little more likely to read what I write now. What I do with her suggestions, what I learn from it, is important, and up to me. One must not give up.

Last night, all night, I dreamed I was writing poetry. I got up and wrote some of these ideas in my writer's journal. Tonight I'll write some of the poems for these collections (I'll start them at least). I have been doing a lot of poetry (heheheh at least I am published in that genre). I have also finished two short stories (both stories for children) I am working on another one now, "Interference Patterns"-- have written numerous poems, the ongoing novel, and have several more stories in the works. One must not give up!

I have received 7 rejection "slips" in the last little while. One must not give up !

Until next time... keep reading and writing--Lee.


janetrose said…
Don't worry tim these are YOUR SALAD DAYS a phrase coined by shakespeare. There are sure tobe some people who understand what you are saying Me for one Keep writing
Tim Kavi said…
Thanks JanetRose for your comments and your encouragement. Wish you well ! I am Tim Kavi who writes as Lee J Keller.