Chronic Pain and Struggles in the Writer's life
Recently I have been working on my first novel with tremendous zeal and exertion. As the novel is progressing, I have had up to now, only a basic outline, with a lot of the writing just done out of my head. In the novel, the idea is to have different but interacting storylines for the characters who all meet up later in the novel. Of course these characters are all involved in the unfolding of a certain plot.
I am now really dveloping it further by doing an advanced plot outline with character descriptions and so on. It really does seem to help, as I have to keep less on my mind as I am writing, other than what is happening between the characters on the stage or action that I have already basically pre-planned in the Outline.
In August's copy of Writer's Digest, there was a very helpful guide to the Best Writing Software. Because of their recommendation I broke down and acquired WriteItNow's Novel Writing Software. It has helped me immensely to keep things straight, to develop better characters, and to plan and visualize what my characters are doing. I had always thought that maybe such programs might not be too helpful. But this one really is!
You know, I guess I had always fought such programs, because I figured writing too much about my novel might interfere with the actual writing of it. Can it live up to what I think it is supposed to be about? Should it? Of course I am free to create and innovate as the page unfolds, but the outline makes it so easy to pick up the pace, get going, and stay going. This time in my life, it really helps me to get it all straight because as the tension between the characters increases, and the need to begin weaving it all together becomes essential, it is harder and harder to keep it all up here in my head. And I really want to weave the ending from the different storylines that have unfolded in a believable manner.
During this time of intense writing life goes on with all of its things.
Yet I am grabbed with the vision of this novel and motivated to get that first draft done and down on paper. I just can't seem to stop writing regularly. I think the outline has helped to keep me honest and motivated!
Because of that I just haven't been doing all of the things that I used to do quite readlily. Another thing (and at what point do distractions become excuses) is that I am currently having episodes of intense almost deep bone pain in my leg which was recently being treating with topical steroids and various medications after severe cellulitis and an infection in it. The pain is very painful at times, and it is difficult for me to write, but I find I must do it!
Yes I have pain meds, but they make me very sedated and I dont like to use them during the writing time. Keeping the leg elevated helps too, but the pain is making things difficult. So I continue on my writing no matter what.
Yes I will get my leg treated further if I need it, but I am finally getting my novel "treated" also, and that is long overdue.
I am now really dveloping it further by doing an advanced plot outline with character descriptions and so on. It really does seem to help, as I have to keep less on my mind as I am writing, other than what is happening between the characters on the stage or action that I have already basically pre-planned in the Outline.
In August's copy of Writer's Digest, there was a very helpful guide to the Best Writing Software. Because of their recommendation I broke down and acquired WriteItNow's Novel Writing Software. It has helped me immensely to keep things straight, to develop better characters, and to plan and visualize what my characters are doing. I had always thought that maybe such programs might not be too helpful. But this one really is!
You know, I guess I had always fought such programs, because I figured writing too much about my novel might interfere with the actual writing of it. Can it live up to what I think it is supposed to be about? Should it? Of course I am free to create and innovate as the page unfolds, but the outline makes it so easy to pick up the pace, get going, and stay going. This time in my life, it really helps me to get it all straight because as the tension between the characters increases, and the need to begin weaving it all together becomes essential, it is harder and harder to keep it all up here in my head. And I really want to weave the ending from the different storylines that have unfolded in a believable manner.
During this time of intense writing life goes on with all of its things.
Yet I am grabbed with the vision of this novel and motivated to get that first draft done and down on paper. I just can't seem to stop writing regularly. I think the outline has helped to keep me honest and motivated!
Because of that I just haven't been doing all of the things that I used to do quite readlily. Another thing (and at what point do distractions become excuses) is that I am currently having episodes of intense almost deep bone pain in my leg which was recently being treating with topical steroids and various medications after severe cellulitis and an infection in it. The pain is very painful at times, and it is difficult for me to write, but I find I must do it!
Yes I have pain meds, but they make me very sedated and I dont like to use them during the writing time. Keeping the leg elevated helps too, but the pain is making things difficult. So I continue on my writing no matter what.
Yes I will get my leg treated further if I need it, but I am finally getting my novel "treated" also, and that is long overdue.