My Soon to be Published Novel Gets a Great Independent Editorial Review


Hi folks!  I am totally pleased that my forthcoming novel THE EMERGENCE has received an outstanding review from independent editorial review and book review staff. I have reposted the review in its entirety (just below) followed by the actual web link to the review itself. Thanks for your interest!  The publisher says the book will be going to preorder by the end of August and available for sale in trade paperback and eBook sometime in September. Here's the review:

Original and compelling… A very promising beginning for a fascinating series.

Keller tells a tale of oppression and servitude in his impressive hard SF, the debut installment in the Robochurch Trilogy. It is 2142. The world is under the rule of an oppressive government. Machines are an integral part of the system, replacing major work force as well as the fairer sex. An emerging new movement under the command of enigmatic Maia Stone promising freedom and inclusion to both humans and machines is taking the world by storm, threatening to expose the government’s worldwide system of surveillance and control. But when a group of humans and robots get caught between the authorities and the movement, Maia has to reveal herself to the world. Keller draws on the elements of synthetic biology, biotech, AI, nanotechnology, and robotics to craft a harrowing vision of the future, and at its center is the relentless struggle between the lust for power and the right to freedom of thought and expression. The pacing is measured, keeping the reader hooked to the book. The large cast includes both humans and machines, and Keller devotes plenty of time to exposition of character dynamics, particularly Luis and Helen’s enduring relationship. A genuine sense of lightheartedness abounds despite the heavy concept. The affecting narrative, which painstakingly explores the cruel ways women are denied their personhood, builds to a satisfying resolution offering hope of freedom, redemption, and heartfelt solace. Lovers of hard SF will be glad to dive into this detailed world.

The link to the actual review is here! ~~LJK
